
Abolish Bank Secrecy!

PLAY VIDEO ►►► Hervé Falciani - HSBC whistleblower

Bank Secrecy allows individual people and organisations to have bank accounts that cannot be reviewed or controlled by authorities or anybody else. Basically it allows them to hide money from the rest of the world. The only publicly known cases of the use of secret bank accounts are criminal uses that range from political corruption and other organized crime to tax evasion.

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The importance of Privacy?

PLAY VIDEO ►►► Edward Snowden on Free Speech

You know your online personal information is raw material for "big data", a product to be sold and then used for publicity, amongst other, by most of the big social networks on the internet. In most countries it may also be required by the authorities. Do you mind?

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Does Europe need a different school system?

PLAY VIDEO ►►► Do schools kill creativity? | Sir Ken Robinson

In his popular TED talk "Do schools kill creativity?" Sir Ken Robinson questions the validity of the modern education and schooling system for the future. An entertaining but at the same time profound talk that makes you think.

I believe our only hope for the future is to adopt a new conception of human ecology, one in which we start to reconstitute our conception of the richness of human capacity.

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Sexual liberty, a human right?

PLAY VIDEO ►►► True Gender Equality - Ban Ki Moon
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All That We Share

PLAY VIDEO ►►► Alt Det Vi Deler

All That We Share

We live in a time and a society where we label people with one single look. But maybe we have more in common than we think?

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Questions by categories



Europa of the people

Europa of politics

Nature First?

Free Speech?


Go non-profit?

Abolish Bank Secrecy?


