EUR Opinion for a better Europa ♥
Europa of politics
BREXIT better for Europa?
Scotland independent after BREXIT?
A Green New Deal for Europa?
Are the lobbies in the EU acceptable?
Dragging EU legalization: abortion, cannabis, prostitution...
The current EU model, obsolete?
Does Europa need a new level of thinking?

European Elections, 23 - 26 May.
You cannot solve problems at the same level that created them.
Einstein was wise. You can be to, letting them hear your voice (again).
All those in Europa who defend Nature, Climate and Future, especially young people, now have an exceptional opportunity to take one step more beyond manifesting in streets and spread awareness. You have the chance to let them hear your voice again and this time to bring about real political change towards the kind of society you were manifesting for. Don't miss this chance!
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An essential step to unlock the true potential of Europe and the Europeans is an EU more directed from the citizens up (bottom-up), than from the politicians down (top-down). The common sense, creativity and inspiration of the collective European citizens themselves can bring very valid solutions, improving or even exceeding those of the politicians. If citizens can be more participatory in our continental community we can, as a whole, really be involved in the change we want to see.
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