EUR Opinion for a better Europa ♥
A better Europe for a better Climate?
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Chart results
A better Europe for a better Climate?
Will a better Europa contribute to reduce Climate and Nature crisis?
(+1=not at all | +5=absolutely)
Number of responses: 2
There is no healthy planet without healthy societies.
(+1 not agree at all | +5 fully agree)
Number of responses: 1
A good life is a matter of growth in happines, nature and empathy.
(+1 not agree at all | +5 fully agree)
Number of responses: 1
We should not measure politics only in money.
(+1 not agree at all | +5 fully agree)
Number of responses: 1
We have to put nature and climate first.
(+1 not agree at all | +5 fully agree)
Number of responses: 1
Extraction from the earth and extraction from human beings is the cause of all discontent.
(+1 not agree at all | +5 fully agree)
Number of responses: 1
Our house is on fire, we should panic.
(+1 not agree at all | +5 fully agree)
Number of responses: 1
The Earth needs an International Ecocide Law to criminalize mass destruction of nature.
(+1 not agree at all | +5 fully agree)
Number of responses: 1
Participants' country
Number of responses: 2