EUR Opinion for a better Europa ♥
Global Strike 4 Future - Milan, polls in the street
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Chart results
Global Strike 4 Future - Milan, polls in the street
Since which year are you aware of the Climate problem? (an estimation is ok)
since which year, more ore less? (think about how long ago or how old you were)
Number of responses: 2
How did you learn about the Climate problem?
Greta or...
Number of responses: 9
Do you think tv gives enough information about the climate situation?
(+1=not at all | +5=totally)
Number of responses: 2
(+1=not at all | +5=totally)
Number of responses: 2
Media in general?
(+1=not at all | +5=totally)
Number of responses: 2
Do you think politicians give it enough importance?
(+1=not at all | +5=totally)
Number of responses: 2
Did you learn enough about it at school?
(+1=not at all | +5=totally)
Number of responses: 2
Would you like to actively do more yourself?
(+1=not at all | +5=totally)
Number of responses: 2
Participants' country
Number of responses: 2