What are your thoughts about climate change?


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Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 5 bytes in template_preprocess_webform_chart_items() (line 349 of /var/www/virtual/riccardo.is/europinion.is/htdocs/sites/all/modules/webform_chart/webform_chart.module).

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(improving flow is in progress, thankyou :)


Chart results

What are your thoughts about climate change?

Do you believe global warming is a fact?

(+1=not at all | +5=totally)
Number of responses: 1

Do you think climate change is a threat for our future? (you, your children, mankind, the planet)

Number of responses: 1

How urgent do you think it is for us to act?

Number of responses: 1

What is more important, the economy (+1) or stopping climate change (+5)?

Number of responses: 1

My own observations.

Number of responses: 1

People around me

Number of responses: 1


Number of responses: 1


Number of responses: 1

Internet sites

Number of responses: 1

Activist movements

Number of responses: 1


Number of responses: 1

Participants' country

Number of responses: 1

Questions by categories



Europa of the people

Europa of politics

Nature First?

Free Speech?


Go non-profit?

Abolish Bank Secrecy?


