EUR Opinion for a better Europa ♥
Do we manifest reality with our thoughts?
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Chart results
Do we manifest reality with our thoughts?
To what degree do you believe our thoughts or conscience do influence reality?
(+1=not at all | +5=fully)
Number of responses: 6
focus more on positive news than on negative news on TV and newspapers
(+1 no/bad | +5 yes/good)
Number of responses: 6
give more political importance to the state of mind of the population than to the economic state
(+1 no/bad | +5 yes/good)
Number of responses: 6
raise awareness and educate, on personal and collective level, more towards a feeling gratitude for what one has
(+1 no/bad | +5 yes/good)
Number of responses: 6
Participants' country
Number of responses: 6