EUR Opinion for a better Europa ♥
What do YOU want from the European Union?
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(improving flow is in progress, thankyou :)
Chart results
What do YOU want from the European Union?
What do YOU want from the European Union?
Number of responses: 49
What do YOU consider important issues for a better Europa?
(the answers are randomized - translations pending!)
Number of responses: 123
The idea of uniting the people of Europa.
Number of responses: 3
The EU as it currently exists and works on a political level.
Number of responses: 4
Would you prefer to live in another continent or 'power block'?
If you could choose, would you rather live in another continent: Africa, America, Asia, Australia...
or in one of the three global 'power blocks': China, Russia, United States?
Or do you (still) prefer Europa (the European Union)?
Number of responses: 44
Number of responses: 45