Quantum theory - entanglement

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Chart results

Quantum theory - entanglement

Do you think Quantum Entanglement is an interesting concept?

(+1=not at all | +5=fully)
There are no results for this component.
Number of responses: 0

Did you already know about this?

(+1 totally no | +5 totally yes)
There are no results for this component.
Number of responses: 0

Is it easy to understand?

(+1 totally no | +5 totally yes)
There are no results for this component.
Number of responses: 0

Is it easy to believe?

(+1 totally no | +5 totally yes)
There are no results for this component.
Number of responses: 0

Do you find this knowledge enriching?

(+1 totally no | +5 totally yes)
There are no results for this component.
Number of responses: 0

Would you like to learn more about this?

(+1 totally no | +5 totally yes)
There are no results for this component.
Number of responses: 0

Is this knowledge worth spreading?

(+1 totally no | +5 totally yes)
There are no results for this component.
Number of responses: 0

Participants' country

There are no results for this component.
Number of responses: 0

Vragen per categorie



Europa of the people

Europa of politics

Nature First?

Free Speech?


Go non-profit?

Abolish Bank Secrecy?


