Bedreigingen voor Europa?

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Showing 1 - 3 of 3.  
Threats for Europe?
Daesh (better known as ISIS)  X   
Putin/Russia X    
America     X
Political lobbies     X
TTIP     X
Banks and corportations     X
The Troika   X  
Exaggerated austerity measures   X  
Grexit (Greece uit of the Euro last year)    X 
Brexit (Engeland out of the EU this summer)   X  
Politicians completely alienated from the population     X
Political and corporate corruption     X
Lumbering bureaucracy    X 
Language diversity within the EUX     
Cultural diversity within the EUX     
Lack of own identity    X 
Refugees   X  
Daesh (better known as ISIS)     X
Putin/Russia     X
America     X
Political lobbies     X
TTIP     X
Banks and corportations     X
The Troika     X
Exaggerated austerity measures     X
Grexit (Greece uit of the Euro last year)   X  
Brexit (Engeland out of the EU this summer)   X  
Politicians completely alienated from the population     X
Political and corporate corruption     X
Lumbering bureaucracy     X
Language diversity within the EU    X 
Cultural diversity within the EU    X 
Lack of own identity   X  
Daesh (better known as ISIS)   X  
Putin/Russia   X  
America     X
Political lobbies     X
TTIP     X
Banks and corportations     X
The Troika     X
Exaggerated austerity measures     X
Grexit (Greece uit of the Euro last year)     X
Brexit (Engeland out of the EU this summer)   X  
Politicians completely alienated from the population     X
Political and corporate corruption     X
Lumbering bureaucracy     X
Language diversity within the EUX     
Cultural diversity within the EUX     
Lack of own identity     X