What do YOU want from the European Union?

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What do YOU want from the European Union? What do YOU consider important issues for a better Europa? Just to make it very clear: what exactly do you not like? The idea in itself of uniting the European people or rather the EU as it currently exists and works on a political level? Please, rate both. What do you want to KEEP of the existing European Union? What CHANGE do you want to see in the European Union? What information do you need for some (better) understanding? Would you prefer to live in another continent or 'power block'? Country
SAME! - I like the EU as it is now, it should continue this way.

The idea of uniting the people of Europa.     
The EU as it currently exists and works on a political level.     

Samenwerken aan vrede, mensen- en dierenrechten Knopen doorhakken themas milieu en duurzaamheid. Een standplaats. Inzage vergoedingen. I (still) prefer Europa NL
CHANGE! - I don't like the EU as it is now. Europa should stay united, but major changes are needed.

The idea of uniting the people of Europa.     
The EU as it currently exists and works on a political level.     

I (still) prefer Europa NL
CHANGE! - I don't like the EU as it is now. Europa should stay united, but major changes are needed.

The idea of uniting the people of Europa.     
The EU as it currently exists and works on a political level.     

La comunidad y las relaciones sociales entre europeos I (still) prefer Europa IT
SAME! - I like the EU as it is now, it should continue this way.

The idea of uniting the people of Europa.     
The EU as it currently exists and works on a political level.     

Veranderen:Het totaal geldverslinde verhuiscircus van alles en iedereen (en kratten vol dossiers en papier) van Brussel naar Straatsburg. Tijd en geldverlies. Alleen goed voor Straatburgse restaurants NL
I have too little information to make a considered choice

The idea of uniting the people of Europa.     
The EU as it currently exists and works on a political level.     

poner aquí los canales I (still) prefer Europa IT
I have too little information to make a considered choice

The idea of uniting the people of Europa.     
The EU as it currently exists and works on a political level.     

Australia ES
CHANGE! - I don't like the EU as it is now. Europa should stay united, but major changes are needed.

The idea of uniting the people of Europa.    X
The EU as it currently exists and works on a political level. X   

Open borders, free trade, free tot work in other countries, single powerfull currency Leaner governing, Brussels or Strasbourg not both, better foreign policies, open to refugees. America NL
CHANGE! - I don't like the EU as it is now. Europa should stay united, but major changes are needed.

The idea of uniting the people of Europa.     
The EU as it currently exists and works on a political level.  X  

The idea of being unites inspires (and gives a safe feeling) more efficient politics, (from my experience with research funding) I (still) prefer Europa NL
CHANGE! - I don't like the EU as it is now. Europa should stay united, but major changes are needed.

The idea of uniting the people of Europa.    X
The EU as it currently exists and works on a political level.X    

I (still) prefer Europa IT
I have too little information to make a considered choice

The idea of uniting the people of Europa.     
The EU as it currently exists and works on a political level.     

I (still) prefer Europa IT