Eerste "gedachtenketen"


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  • Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in _webform_localization_analysis_data_grid() (line 37 of /var/www/virtual/
  • Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in _webform_localization_analysis_data_grid() (line 37 of /var/www/virtual/

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(improving flow is in progress, thankyou :)


(optional) How do you value the importance of the following topics for a better Europa? (the order of the topics is randomized)

This chart may be embedded into the confirmation page by using the token [node:webform-charts:topics_bettereuropa].

Chart configuration

Nature first00124
Free speech01124
Gender equality00323
Go non-profit (end financial speculation)00133
Abolishment of bank secrecy00214
Education system00017
Healthcare system00026
Industrial development00431
Financial markets13121
Economic growth01412
Inflation rates03221
Credit ratings of countries30300