Do you understand the European Union?

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(improving flow is in progress, thankyou :)

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How well do you feel you understand the EU? Would you like to understand the EU better? Does the EU provide enough easy accessible information for you? How would you rate short daily EU-info for citizens in newspapers and on TV in comparison with other existing info we already get every day? Rate some possible (hypothetical) channels to spread EU information. Do you have other ideas for other possible channels? Country
just a little
The weather     
Stock market or quotes     
EU-info 'flash'     
At school     
At EU 'info-desks' in major cities     
Weekly specialty programs on TV of the type "EU this week" or "EU for kids"     
quite well
The weather     
Stock market or quotes     
EU-info 'flash'     
At school     
At EU 'info-desks' in major cities     
Weekly specialty programs on TV of the type "EU this week" or "EU for kids"     
no idea
The weather     
Stock market or quotes     
EU-info 'flash'     
At school     
At EU 'info-desks' in major cities     
Weekly specialty programs on TV of the type "EU this week" or "EU for kids"