Capisci l'Europa? (Ue)

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(improving flow is in progress, thankyou :)


Chart results

Do you understand the European Union?

How well do you feel you understand the EU?

Number of responses: 10

Would you like to understand the EU better?

Number of responses: 10

Does the EU provide enough easy accessible information for you?

Number of responses: 10

The weather

Number of responses: 9


Number of responses: 8

Stock market or quotes

Number of responses: 8

EU-info 'flash'

Number of responses: 8

At school

Rate the validity of the possible channels that the EU could use to inform its citizens about how it works or actuallity.
Number of responses: 9

At EU 'info-desks' in major cities

Rate the validity of the possible channels that the EU could use to inform its citizens about how it works or actuallity.
Number of responses: 9

Weekly specialty programs on TV of the type "EU this week" or "EU for kids"

Rate the validity of the possible channels that the EU could use to inform its citizens about how it works or actuallity.
Number of responses: 9


Number of responses: 13

Le domande per categoria



Europa of the people

Europa of politics

Nature First?

Free Speech?


Go non-profit?

Abolish Bank Secrecy?


