¿El Sueño Europeo?

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(improving flow is in progress, thankyou :)


Chart results

The European Dream?

Do you think a European Dream ever existed?

+1=totally no | +5=totally yes
Number of responses: 32

Do you think, that the EU being treated as a "market", contributed to the loss of the European Dream?

Number of responses: 32


Number of responses: 20

the banks

Number of responses: 20

our politicians

Number of responses: 20

traditional mass media: TV, radio, newspapers, magazines

Number of responses: 20

the citizens

Number of responses: 20

Do you think that peace could have lasted 70 years, if European countries hadn't been united?

Number of responses: 13

Do you think that peace would last another 70 years if countries break away from a united Europa?

Number of responses: 12

Should the European Dream be recovered?

Number of responses: 32


Number of responses: 32

Las preguntas por categoría



Europa of the people

Europa of politics

Nature First?

Free Speech?


Go non-profit?

Abolish Bank Secrecy?


