TU opinión para una Europa mejor ♥
¿Conoces Europa como comunidad de personas?
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(improving flow is in progress, thankyou :)
Showing 1 - 7 of 7.
Submitted | How much contact do you have with other Europeans in your daily life? | Country | Belgium (1958) | Germany (1958) | France (1958) | Italy (1958) | Luxembourg (1958) | Netherlands (1958) | Greece (1981) | Portugal (1986) | Spain (1986) | Austria (1995) | Finland (1995) | Estonia (2004) | Latvia (2004) | Lithuania (2004) | Malta (2004) | Slovakia (2004) | Slovenia (2004) | Denmark (1973) | Sweden (1995) | Czech Republic (2004) | Hungary (2004) | Poland (2004) | Ireland (1973) | Cyprus (2004) | Bulgaria (2007) | Romania (2007) | Croatia (2013) | Kingdom of England plus northern-Ireland, Scotland and Wales (1973 - 2019) |
29/12/2018 | +3 | IT | Vivido |
10/12/2018 | +3 | NL |
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01/12/2018 | +5 | IT | Visitado |
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09/11/2018 | ES | Vivido | Visitado | Visited | Vivido | Visited | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
07/11/2018 | +3 | ES | Visitado | Visitado | Visitado | Visitado | Visited |
22/10/2018 | NL |
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29/09/2018 | IT |
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