Some first simple questions focused on the individual european person

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Some first simple questions focused on the individual european person


Number of responses: 7

Tea or coffee?

Number of responses: 3

Are you a left (+1) or right (+5) handed person?

Number of responses: 7

Are you a night (+1) or a day (+5) person?

Number of responses: 7

Do you consider yourself a more emotional (+1) or rational (+5) person?

Number of responses: 7

If you could choose, would you rather have more money (+1) or more time (+5)?

Number of responses: 3


home to work/study/shopping...
Number of responses: 1


home to work/study/shopping...
Number of responses: 1

Public transport

home to work/study/shopping...
Number of responses: 1


home to work/study/shopping...
Number of responses: 1


home to work/study/shopping...
Number of responses: 1


home to work/study/shopping...
Number of responses: 1

Any favourite day of the week?

Number of responses: 6

Any specific reason?

Number of responses: 7